La Nana Nano _en voyage
En udstilling af Biba Fibiger
Fernisering: Fredag d. 11 januar kl. 17-20.
Udstillingsperiode: 12/11 – 9/2 2019.
Åbningstider: Torsdag, fredag og lørdag kl. 14-17.
”- Give me your hand. Because I no longer know what I am saying. I think I made it all up, none of this existed! But if I made up what happened yesterday – who can guarantee that I didn’t also invent my entire life prior to yesterday?”’*
Vi befinder os i La Nana Nanos alkymistiske laboratorium. Det er her hun skaber: Skaber sig selv, sin omverden og fremtiden.
La Nana Nano er en sjæl med fire øjne. Hun kigger både indad og udad på én gang.
Hvert øje repræsenterer en del af hendes færden i verden, som kunstner, som moder, som algoritme, som univers. Hun er en polymorf skikkelse, der samler plurale stemmer i én singularitet.
I dialog med sig selv driver hun ind og ud af scenarier af fremtid og fortid, perspektiver og frekvenser. Trancetilstandens og de lucide drømmes uendelige billedassociationer beriger hende med universets kræfter. Men hun er også i indre kamp med sine mange perspektiver. Hun gør oprør mod at føle sig som den dårlige cyborg, der er begrænset af den fysiske virkelighed som er statisk og ubevægelig.
Hun kan blive den hun ønsker at være. Alligevel tøvende og ubeslutsom oscillerer hun et sted mellem at være kvinde, sarkofag, dissekeringsbord, badekar, buffet, et laboratorium, en maskine, en algoritmisk talisman.
”Hvis du gør og siger det rigtige, vil en lykkelig fremtid åbenbare sig for dig.”
*Clarice Lispector, The Passion Acording to G.H. p97
Til udstillingen La Nana Nano _en voyage har Biba Fibiger lavet nye skulpturer af keramik, stål, lyd og LCD skærme.
Titlen La Nana Nano er inspireret af en persisk talisman, Niki de St Phalles frie-kvindefigur La Nana samt den aktuelle nano-teknologi.
Gennem installationens forskellige dele sidestilles forestillingen og tanken med drømmens virtuelle rum og kroppen med det fysiske og statiske rum.
Med sine skulpturelle landskaber bestående af objekter og strukturer i skiftende materialer (beton, keramik, collager) undersøger Biba Fibiger de teknologier vi benytter til at afkode, producere og positionere os i verden med: herunder både protetiske måleinstrumenter og kroppen som teknologi – og ikke mindst hvordan vi samtidig selv bliver læst og kodet i denne konstante, spiralerende udveksling.
Biba Fibiger bor og arbejder i København. Hun er uddannet fra Kunstakademiet i København 2016. Hun modtog i 2018 Bikubenfondens Atelier Legat og Statens Kunstfonds Arbejdslegat i 2017. Desuden nomineret til Charlottenborgs jurypris 2012, Helge og Merete Finsens legat og DCKs talentpris 2008. Hun har haft indtil flere solo og gruppeudstillinger i København.
c4 projects har udarbejdet et nyt to-årigt program: Intimitetsprogrammet 2019/2020.
Med fjorten udstillinger ønsker c4 projects at styrke sin profil med et ambitiøst og mere internationalt orienteret program. Intimitetsprogrammet vil undersøge det mentalt intime og kropsligt udfordrende, det private, troens rum og seksualitet, og vil igennem fordybelsen i emnet intimiteter behandle og nuancere eksistensvilkår i samtiden.
Foråret 2019 vil byde på udstillinger der udforsker den perception og det nærvær, som c4 projects’ interiør indbyder til. Biba Fibigers soloudstilling La Nana Nano _en voyage er den allerførste udstilling i rækken og er kurateret af Anne Munnecke.
Intimitetsprogrammet 2019/2020 er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg, Det Obelske Familiefond og Beckett Fonden.
Desuden er produktionen af Biba Fibigers værker til La Nana Nano _en voyage blevet til med støtte fra Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg.
La Nana Nano _en voyage
An exhibition by Biba Fibiger
Opening: Friday 11th of January 5-8 pm.
Exhibition period: 12th January – 9th of February 2019.
Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 2-5 pm.
”- Give me your hand. Because I no longer know what I am saying. I think I made it all up, none of this existed! But if I made up what happened yesterday – who can guarantee that I didn’t also invent my entire life prior to yesterday?”*
We are located in La Nana Nano’s alchemist laboratory. This is her place of creations: the creation of herself, her surroundings and her future.
La Nana Nano is a four-eyed soul who experiences the inner and outer worlds simultaneously.
Each eye represents a split part of her as an artist, as a mother, as an algorithm, and as a universe. She is a polymorphic being who encompasses plural voices in one singularity. Through self-reflection, she drifts in and out of scenarios in time, perspectives and frequencies.
Trance states and the unending visual associations caused by lucid dreaming yield her with powers of the universe. But she is also in inner conflict with her many perspectives. She rebels the feeling of being a bad cyborg limited by the physical reality which is static and motionless.
She has the ability to become whoever she wants to be. Still hesitant and indecisive, she oscillates between being a woman, a sarcophagus, a dissection table, a bathtub, a buffet, a laboratory, a machine, and an allegorical talisman.
“If you say and do the right things, a blissful future awaits you”
*Clarice Lispector, The Passion Acording to G.H. p97
For the solo exhibition, La Nana Nano _en voyage, Biba Fibiger has created two new sculptures of ceramics, steel, sound and LCD screens.
The sculptures take you on a dream-like journey through multi-perspective views that explore ideas of femininity’s multiple spaces and spacious empathy.
With the exhibition, Biba Fibiger wishes to create coherence between the woman as a historical clear-sighted medium and the idea of the cyborg as a medium.
The title La Nana Nano is inspired by a Persian talisman, Niki de St Phalle’s liberated female figure: La Nana and the current nanotechnology.
Through the elements of the installation, Biba Fibiger wishes to compare the concept and idea with the virtual space and the body’s physical and static – and simultaneously explore the immediate antithesis between the possible journeys of the mind and the body’s limits, which is also typical for the maternal role of the mother; physically limited and yet emphatically dreaming of a better future.
Biba Fibiger lives and works in Copenhagen. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts in 2016. In 2018, she received Bikubens Foundation’s Studio Grant and in 2017 she received a work grant from the Danish Art Foundation. In 2012 she was nominated for Charlottenborg’s Jury Award, and in 2008 she was nominated for Helge and Merete Finsen’s Grant and DCK’s Talent Award. She has held several solo and group exhibitions in Copenhagen.
c4 projects have developed a new 2-year-programme: The Intimacy Programme 2019/2020. With fourteen exhibitions c4 projects wish to strengthen its profile with an ambitious and international programme.
The Intimacy Programme wants to explore the mental intimacy and the bodily provocative, the private sphere, beliefs, and sexuality and though an immersion into the different aspects of intimacy to discuss and nuance living conditions in present-day society.
Spring 2019 will offer exhibitions that explore the perception and closeness that c4 projects’ interior creates.
Biba Fibiger’s solo exhibition La Nana Nano _en voyage is the first exhibition in the programme and it is curated by Anne Munnecke.
The Intimacy Programme 2019/2020 is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Copenhagen Municipality’s Council of Visual Arts, The Obelske Family Foundation and The Beckett Foundation.
Furthermore, the production of Biba Fibiger’s sculptures for La Nana Nano _en voyage has been created with support from The Copenhagen Municipality’s Council of Visual Arts.