En gruppeudstilling med Svend Lehman Bager, Astrid Marie Christiansen, Anne Munnecke, Camilla Reyman og Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen
Med tekstværk af arkæolog og farveforsker Amalie Skovmøller
Fernisering efter gældende Covid-19 restriktioner: Fredag d. 7/5 kl. 16-19.
Udstillingsperiode: 8/5-4/6 2021
Åbningstider: torsdag, fredag og lørdag kl. 14-17
Velkommen til Run of Rainbows, en gruppeudstilling om farver. Og velkommen til fortovsfernisering fredag d. 7 maj, hvor der vil være adgang for max. 3 personer iført mundbind i udstillingslokalet ad gangen. Det samme besøgsantal max. gælder også i de almindelige åbningstider.
Arkæolog og farveforsker Amalie Skovmøller er ligeledes blevet inviteret til at bidrage med en tekst, på baggrund af hendes forskning.
Vi lærer i fysiktimen at farver er lys, der penetrerer vores krop igennem øjet, og dermed er farver både kropslige og intime. Et objekts farve afgøres alt efter, hvilken bølgelængde af lys det reflekterer eller udsender. Oplevelsen af en konkret farve er afhængig af bølgelængden af lyset, der rammer det menneskelige øje, men indtrykket af en farve er også afhængigt af, om omgivelserne er lyse eller mørke.
Farver “farver” sprog og handlinger: Banker der vasker penge hvide og krige der bliver udkæmpet i khaki og armygrøn camouflage. Sort arbejde og grøn af misundelse. Og farver er politiske; tag eksempelvis kosmetikbranchen, der først for nyligt er begyndt at udvide deres produktlinjer med kosmetikprodukter til brun hud.
Run of Rainbows ønsker at nuancere og undersøge farvers paradoksale egenskaber og signalværdier; både som greb på lige vilkår med andre greb i samtidskunst, men derudover igennem netop disse greb, at spejle og perspektivere samfundet vi er rundet af.
Run of Rainbows
A group exhibition by Svend Lehman Bager, Astrid Marie Christiansen, Anne Munnecke, Camilla Reyman og Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen.
With text work from archaeologist and colour researcher Amalie Skovmøller
The opening follows the existing Covid-19 restrictions: Friday, Maj 7 th, 4-7 pm
Exhibition period: May 8th-June 4th, 2021
Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2-5 pm
We welcome you to Run of Rainbows, a group exhibition about colours. And we invite you to join us at the opening on Friday May 7th, located on the pavement in front of c4 projects. On the opening day and during the rest of the exhibition period there will be a maximum of three people allowed in the showroom at a time – facemask is required.
Archaeologist and colour researcher Amalie Skovmøller, has also been invited to contribute with a text based on her research.
In physics class we learn that colour is light, which penetrates our body through the eye, and that is why colours are both bodily and intimate. An object’s colour is determined by the wavelength of light it reflects and sends out. How we experience a specific colour depends on the wavelength of the light, which hits the human eye, but the impression of a colour is also determined by whether the surroundings are light or dark.
Colours “colour” language and actions: Soldiers are wearing khaki and army green when fighting wars. A family member is treated like a black sheep and your enemies are green with envy. Colours are also political: Fx. the largest cosmetic companys in the world which only recently has begun developing makeup for brown skin.
Run of Rainbows wish to show the nuances and examine the many paradoxes and signals behind colours; both as a strategy in comtemporary art but also to mirror and to put a perspective on the society that we are a part of.
The exhibition is kindly supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation, The Obel Family Foundation, The Beckett-Foundation, The Municipality of Copenhagen through The Council of Visual Arts, The Augustinus Foundation and the Willaim Demant Foundation. The exhibition is curated by Anne Munnecke. For information email info@c4projects.dk