Going Public
A series of public art events with Clémentine Vaultier, Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez,
Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda, and Nanna Katrine Hansen
Saturday, August 27th:
Summiting the Oven with Clémentine Vaultier from 5 – 8 pm
Meeting point: Copenhill, Vindmøllevej 6, 2300 København S
Ending point: c4 projects, Dybbølsgade 60, 1721 København V
Sunday, August 28th:
A.S.S. (Activist Support System) for Restivists with Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez from 2 – 5 pm
Meeting Point: Arbejdermuseet (Workers Museum), Rømersgade 22, 1362 København K
Ending Point: Kastrup Søbad, Amager Strandvej 301, 2770 Kastrup
Monday, August 29th:
Voices in the Shadows of Monuments (guided audio tour) with Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda, and Nanna Katrine Hansen from 5 – 8 pm
Meeting Point: Christianhavns Torv, 1410 København K
Ending Point: Kongens Nytorv, 1050 København K
Language: English, Danish, Greenlandic, Portuguese, Sanskrit, and more. Please bring mini jack headphones for the best listening experience
*The language of the events will be in English, unless otherwise noted. Events will be free of admission and drinks and snacks will be provided. Please dress accordingly for each event. No sign up is necessary.
Going Public is the first iteration in a long-term exhibition series where c4 projects invite colleagues from other artist-run platforms and curatorial initiatives to create new experimental collaborative exhibition moments together within the framework of c4 projects. The aim is to create generative new moments of co-production allowing for greater reflection and exchange for the artists involved.
Starting in late August, the Aalborg based artist-run initiative f.eks. will utilize the site of c4 projects to highlight different approaches to art in public space. By reframing the exhibition space as a “meeting point” or “useful infrastructure”, f.eks. will invite artists to engage with the surrounding urban context and broader cityscape of Copenhagen.
Through a multi-day pop-up program, the artists Clémentine Vaultier, Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez, Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda, and Nanna Katrine Hansen will activate surrounding spaces and contexts, with different public, relational, and collaborative practices across various locations and settings. This will take shape as walks, talks, discussions, and site visits across Copenhagen. In doing so, Going Public highlights some of the unique artistic methodologies for public practice f.eks. has been prototyping with artists more broadly and in a different frame, but with the same attention to critical and experimental approaches.
The exhibition is kindly supported by The Danish Arts Council, Ny Carlsbergfondet, Beckett-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, and Copenhagen Municipality. The graphic design is made in collaboration with artist Kamilla Mez.
Clémentine Vaultier (FR) is a French artist based in Brussels. Her current work is focusing on containers of warmth and heat as part of an expanded ceramic practice. Along with Maximiliaan Royakkers and Ciel Grommen, she is developing the collaborative project Atlas of Ovens, mapping different types of ovens as relational infrastructures. This allows for a broader focus on the cultural and historical connections to architecture, conviviality, community, and the social aspects that arise when gathering around fire. She is currently an artistic researcher within the Brussels-based artist collective Jubilee and is an artist in residence at f.eks. AIR in Aalborg, among others.
Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez (NO/PE/PL) is an artist, organizer, activist and restivist based in Oslo, Norway. In his artistic work he deals with the conundrums between cooperation, economy, law, and democracy. This is manifested through self-organizational practices as well as dialogical exchanges, educational practice, artist publications, and other forms of performative exchange. At present, he is co-organizer of the projects / platforms Verdensrommet and The Union (Norway), and is currently developing a program for international artistic exchange for public housing in Peru as well as A.S.S. (Activist Support System).
Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld (DK) is an artist based in Copenhagen. She works with video installation and performative practices and since 2006 has been concerned with developing an artistic method around the concept of “reparative critical practices”. She graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2008 and has an MA in Contemporary Art Theory in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths College University of London, and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Art and Cultural Studies. Her current practice is unfolding through different collaborative projects including Archives that Matter, Rematerializations, and Voices in the Shadows of Monuments with artists Barly Tshibanda (DRC) and Nanna Katrine Hansen (DK).
f.eks. is an independent non-profit artist-run exhibition platform based in Aalborg that creates different collaborative, temporary, and experimental artistic projects. These occur in the context of a changing array of spaces, institutions, and communities that reflect on existential themes such as post-industrial transformation, urban development, marginalization, displacement, and climate crisis among others. The projects f.eks. produces are situated in the context between art, public space, architecture, infrastructure, ecological sites, and the commons. f.eks. is co-organized by artists Rikke Ehlers Nilsson (DK) and Scott William Raby (US/DK).
For mere information:
Going Public
En serie af offentlige events af Clémentine Vaultier, Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez,
Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda og Nanna Katrine Hansen
Lørdag d. 27 august:
Summiting the Oven af Clémentine Vaultier fra kl. 17 – 20
Start: Copenhill, Vindmøllevej 6, 2300 København S
Slut: c4 projects, Dybbølsgade 60, 1721 København V
Søndag d. 28 august:
A.S.S. (Activist Support System) for Restivists af Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez fra kl. 14 – 17
Start: Arbejdermuseet, Rømersgade 22, 1362 København K
Slut: Kastrup Søbad, Amager Strandvej 301, 2770 Kastrup
Mandag d. 29 august:
Voices in the Shadows of Monuments (Guided audio tour) af Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda og Nanna Katrine Hansen fra kl. 17 – 20
Start: Christianhavns Torv, 1410 København K
Slut: Kongens Nytorv, 1050 København K
Sprog: Engelsk, Dansk, Grønlandsk, Portugisisk, Sanskrit, mfl. Medbring gerne mini-jack-hovedtelefoner for den optimale lytteoplevelse
*Alle events bliver afholdt på Engelsk medmindre andet er beskrevet. Der er gratis adgang, samt serveres gratis snacks og drinks. Husk overtøj til vejrforholdene. Der er ikke behov for at skrive sig op.
Going Public er det første projekt i en længerevarende udstillingsrække, hvor kolleger fra forskellige kunstnerdrevne platforme og kuratoriske initiativer inviteres til at samskabe nye eksperimenterende udstillinger hos c4 projects. Målet er at skabe en ramme for en ny bæredygtig co-produktion, der giver mulighed for større refleksion og udveksling for de involverede kunstnere.
I slutningen af august vil den Aalborgbaserede kunstnerdrevne platform f.eks. benytte c4 projects lokaler til at fremhæve forskelligartede tilgange til kunst i det offentlige rum. Ved at reformulere udstillingsrummet som et ”mødested” eller ”nyttig infrastruktur”, inviterer f.eks. kunstnere til at engagere sig i den umiddelbare omgivende urbane kontekst, såvel som i det bredere Københavnske bybillede.
Kunstnerne Clémentine Vaultier, Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez, Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Barly Tshibanda og Nanna Katrine Hansen vil gennem et flere-dages pop-up-program aktivere rum og kontekst med offentlige, relationnelle og kollaborative praksisser på tværs af forskellige lokationer og sammenhænge. Dette tager form af byvandringer, samtaler og besøg på udvalgte steder i København. Dermed fremhæver Going Public nogle af de unikke kunstneriske metoder omhandlende den relationnelle praksis, en arbejdsmodel som f.eks. har afprøvet med kunstnere mere bredt og i andre rammer, men med samme opmærksomhed på det kritiske og eksperimenterende.
Udstillingen er venligst støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Ny Carlsbergfondet, Beckett-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden og Københavns Kommune. Grafisk design er lavet i samarbejde med kunstneren Kamilla Mez.
Clémentine Vaultier (FR) er en fransk kunstner med base i Bruxelles. I hendes kunstneriske virke har hun fokus på beholdere af varme og varme som en del af en udvidet keramisk praksis. Sammen med Maximiliaan Royakkers og Ciel Grommen har hun udviklet samarbejdsprojektet Atlas of Ovens, der kortlægger forskellige typer af ovne som en relationel infrastruktur, da dette giver hende mulighed for at aktivere de kulturelle og historiske forbindelser mellem arkitektur, samvær, fællesskab og de sociale aspekter, der opstår, når man samles om ild. Hun er kunstnerisk researcher ved det Bruxelles-baserede kunstner kollektiv Jubilee og er artist-in-residence ved f.eks. AIR i Aalborg mm.
Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez (NO/PE/PL) er kunstner, organisator, aktivist og restivist med base i Oslo, Norge. I sit kunstneriske virke beskæftiger han sig med problematikker, der placerer sig imellem samarbejde, økonomi, jura og demokrati. Dette manifesterer sig hovedsageligt i en selvorganisatorisk praksis og gennem dialogiske udvekslinger, pædagogisk praksis, kunstnerpublikationer og andre former for performative fremstillelser. Han er på nuværende tidspunkt medorganisator på projekterne / platformene Verdensrommet og The Union (Norge) og er lige nu i gang med at udvikle et program for international kunstnerisk udveksling for almene boliger i Peru samt A.S.S. (Activist Support System).
Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld (DK) er kunstner med base i København. Hun arbejder med videoinstallation og performative praksisser og har siden 2006 været optaget af at udvikle en kunstnerisk metode omkring begrebet ”reparative critical practises” (reparerende kritiske praksisser). Hun tog afgang fra Kunstakademiets Billedkunstskoler i 2008 og har en MA i Contemporary Art Theory i Visual Cultures fra Goldsmiths College University of London, hun har dertil en ph.d. ved Københavns Universitet, Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab. Hendes praksis udfolder sig gennem forskellige samarbejdsprojekter, herunder Archives that Matter, Rematerializations og Voices in the Shadows of Monuments med kunstnerne Barly Tshibanda (DRC) og Nanna Katrine Hansen (DK).
f.eks. er en uafhængig non-profit kunstnerdrevet udstillingsplatform med base i Aalborg, der organiserer samarbejdsorienterede, midlertidige og eksperimentelle kunstprojekter på et udvalg af skiftende lokalisationer bestående af forskellige institutioner og miljøer, der reflekterer eksistentielle tematikker som postindustriel transformation, byudvikling, marginalisering, displacement og klima mfl. Projekternes kontekst og indhold befinder sig ofte et sted mellem kunst, det offentlige rum, arkitektur, infrastruktur, miljø og samarbejde. f.eks. drives af kunstnerne Rikke Ehlers Nilsson (DK) og Scott William Raby (US/DK).