Flame-Mouthed Dagger
Udstilling af Morblod
30.08.2019 – 21.09.2019
c4 projects
Fernisering: Fredag den 30. august, 17.00 – 20.00.
Åbningstider: Torsdag, fredag og lørdag, 14.00 – 17.00.
Flame-mouthed dagger: A deep-seated sense of lack and incompleteness. A burning blackness of expansive energy with a clinging radiance mistaken for love. Felt as intense craving, wanting, needing.
You enter a compulsive pursuit of things to identify with in order to feel complete. So you strive after possessions, power, knowledge. But even as you attain these, you soon find that the dark fluids that run with risk are still there. That on the riverside of raging emotion the burning fountain is still within. You need to feed it and defend it constantly.
To the dagger, death is always around the corner. But the carnal trade with the dead is the greatest imaginable perversion. Drinking, draining and sucking dry the bodies of those with whom they engage. An anguish full of infinite sweetness and total oblivion.
You are emptied to the point where your interior is nothing but a pocket. You are being felt and shaped simultaneously from both sides, as a thing devoid of inside that feels in its every part. The fire is burning doubly: Penetrating you and caressing itself from your outside. Your physical form is dissolving and you are no more. You are a mouth of dancing breath and you want to become wind to gently enter the water filled gorge: The womb from where all is born and all return to die.
Realise that separation is an illusion and you become viscous. Realise that time is an illusion and you will unravel your ghostly matter. Unname, reconnect.
Observe your attachment to the flame. Observe the pleasure you derive from it. It hurts so good. Witness it burn. The fire will transmute in your presence.
Til udstillingen har Morblod produceret en række nye skulpturer og en serie af collager udfra eget kildemateriale fra afstøbninger, gravurer og fotografier. Udstillingen er venligst støttet af Statens Kunstfond.
Morblod er en København-baseret duo, der består af Ida Lunden (f. 1985) og Carina Lin Sixten (f. 1986) som bruger kunst som redskab til at udfolde forbundethed. Inspireret af kunsthåndværk, hjemlighed og hydrofeminisme, og med rødder i visuel og materiel historiefortælling, navigerer Morblod kropsliggjort og arvelig hukommelse som kamppladser. Arbejdet udspringer fra performative handlinger hvor intimitet og handlekraft krydser hinanden som frugtbar jord til at nære strømme af energi, der minder os om at se, føle, vide og tro ud over videnskabelig autoritet. Ét værk eksisterer aldrig alene, isoleret og selvforsynende. I stedet fødes nye former, materialer og værker konstant ud af hinanden i lange morfologiske kæder, der viser deres indbyrdes forbundethed, flydeevne og vibration af krop of materie.
Begge har en Master fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering – Designskolen (2015) og fra HAW, Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg (Lunden) og Osaka Seikei University, Faculty of Art, Kyoto (Sixten). I 2018 blev Morblods kunstnerbog Mediatrix udnævnt til Årets Bedste Bogarbejde. Morblod har haft flere solo- og gruppeudstillinger i København.
c4 projects har udarbejdet et nyt to-årigt program: Intimitetsprogrammet 2019/2020. Med fjorten udstillinger ønsker c4 projects at styrke sin profil med et ambitiøst og mere internationalt orienteret program. Intimitetsprogrammet vil undersøge det mentalt intime og kropsligt udfordrende, det private, troens rum og seksualitet, og vil igennem fordybelsen i emnet intimiteter behandle og nuancere eksistensvilkår i vores samtid.

Efterårets tre udstillinger udforsker intimitetens forbindelse til krop og seksualitet, som det kan se ud når ‘the male gaze’ ikke længere er den definerende factor. Udstillingsrækken er kurateret af Camilla Reyman.


Intimitetsprogrammet 2019/2020 er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg, Det Obelske Familiefond og Beckett Fonde






Flame-Mouthed Dagger

Exhibition by Morblod

30.08.2019 – 21.09.2019
c4 projects

Opening: Friday 30th August, 5-8 pm.

Opening hours: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 2-5 pm.


Flame-mouthed dagger: A deep-seated sense of lack and incompleteness. A burning blackness of expansive energy with a clinging radiance mistaken for love. Felt as intense craving, wanting, needing.
You enter a compulsive pursuit of things to identify with in order to feel complete. So you strive after possessions, power, knowledge. But even as you attain these, you soon find that the dark fluids that run with risk are still there. That on the riverside of raging emotion the burning fountain is still within. You need to feed it and defend it constantly.
To the dagger, death is always around the corner. But the carnal trade with the dead is the greatest imaginable perversion. Drinking, draining and sucking dry the bodies of those with whom they engage. An anguish full of infinite sweetness and total oblivion.
You are emptied to the point where your interior is nothing but a pocket. You are being felt and shaped simultaneously from both sides, as a thing devoid of inside that feels in its every part. The fire is burning doubly: Penetrating you and caressing itself from your outside. Your physical form is dissolving and you are no more. You are a mouth of dancing breath and you want to become wind to gently enter the water filled gorge: The womb from where all is born and all return to die.
Realise that separation is an illusion and you become viscous. Realise that time is an illusion and you will unravel your ghostly matter. Unname, reconnect.
Observe your attachment to the flame. Observe the pleasure you derive from it. It hurts so good. Witness it burn. The fire will transmute in your presence.
For the exhibition Morblod has produced a new body of sculptures and a series of collages using their own source material from casts, gravures and photographies. Kindly supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
Morblod is a Copenhagen based duo, consisting of Ida Lunden (b. 1985) and Carina Lin Sixten (b. 1986), who uses art as a means to unfold interconnectedness. Inspired by crafts, domesticity and hydrofeminism, and rooted in visual and material collective storytelling, the work of Morblod navigates corporeal and ancestral memory as sites of struggles. The work springs from performative actions where intimacy and agency intersect as fertile grounds to nourish visions of emancipation. Morblod digs into transgenerational trauma and emotive power to foster energy streams that remind us to see, feel, intuit and trust beyond scientific authority.  One work does not merely exist by itself, isolated and self-sufficient. Instead new shapes, materials and works are constantly being born from each other in long morphologic chains showing the organic interconnectedness, fluidity and vibration of bodies and matter.
Both have a Master degree from The Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation – The Designschool (2015) and from HAW, Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg (Lunden) and Osaka Seikei University, Faculty of Art, Kyoto (Sixten). In 2018 Morblod’s artist book Mediatrix was chosen for Best Bookwork of the Year. Morblod has had several solo- and group shows in Copenhagen.
c4 projects has developed The Intimacy Program 2019/2020. With fourteen exhibitions c4 projects wish to strengthen its profile with an ambitious and international program. The Intimacy program wants to explore the mental intimacy and the bodily provocative, the private sphere, beliefs, and sexuality and through an immersion into the different aspects of intimacy to discuss and nuance living conditions in present-day society.

This autum’s three exhibitions explore the connection between intimacy, the body and sexuality, and how it can look when ‘the male gaze’ no longer is the defining factor. The  exhibition series is curated by Camilla Reyman.


The Intimacy Program 2019/2020 is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Copenhagen Municipality’s Council of Visual Arts, The Obelske Family Foundation, and The Beckett Foundation.